Revitalizing Livonian through music: blog post
Revitalizing Livonian through Music – blog post by Bridget Moran-Nae In this blog post, I would like to share my recent journey to Latvia. My name is Bridget Moran-Nae and I am a student in the Multilingualism MA at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands and an intern in the Re:voice project. I recently […]
Ežā pǟl | Livonian Sketches
In July 2021 a three-day Livonian workshop took place in Treimani, on the border of Latvia and Estonia. A group of drama students learnd about the language and culture of the ancient Livonians. At the end of the workshop the students gave an improvised performance to local people. The text was based on Livonian tales collected by the Estonian folklorist, Oskar Loorits (1900-1961), and 19th and 21st century news from the Estonian media. By performing in a former Livonian- and Estonian-speaking area, the students revoiced the nearly extinct language and cultural heritage of Livonian.
Re:voice publication, Critical Heritages of Europe
Re:voice publication, Critical Heritages of Europe
Chartour An Govskrifva Klewwelyek Kernow | Cornish Audiovisual Archive Charter
Chartour An Govskrifva Klewwelyek Kernow | Cornish Audiovisual Archive Charter
Re:voice show nominated for Cornwall Heritage Awards
Re:voice show nominated for Cornwall Heritage Awards
Re:voice – A Participatory Theatre Performance
Re:voice is a new participatory theatre performance created as a part of the Re:voice project's work in Cornwall and will be taking place at Tate St Ives at the end of April.
Heritage, Identity and Inclusivity – Leeuwarden Summer School in collaboration with the Heritage Lab
Looking at diverse cultural heritage practices, and including an international symposium on the findings of Re:voice
The First Livonian Language Road Sign Unveiled in Latvia
February 20th 2023 was a historical moment for the Livonian language and community as the first road sign carrying Livonian alongside Latvian is installed in Talsi County municipality.
“Torches aloft” to Glastonbury: negotiating norms in the discursive construction of marginalised intangible cultural heritage in Cornwall, UK
Conference paper delivered at the Association of Critical Heritage Studies conference by Dr Laura Hodsdon, Santiago, Chile, 4-7 December 2022
A Serpent’s Dance by Lucy Frears
An immersive soundscape recorded and designed by Lucy Frears with an accompanying film comprising archival footage and photos from Penzance's Golowan and Montol festivals.