Denzil Monk – Lead, Archives

Denzil is an academic at Falmouth University, teaching MA Film & Television, engaged in research and innovation as Archive Research Strand Lead of Re-voicing Cultural Landscapes, Project Lead for A Case for Cornish Public Service Media and in Knowledge Exchange at the Sound/Image Cinema Lab. Denzil is the founder and CEO of West Cornwall based ecosophical film company Bosena, where he is developing a slate of features with backing from Film4, the BFI, Sound/Image Cinema Lab and Screen Cornwall including BAFTA winning writer/director Mark Jenkin’s ENYS MEN.

“Performances of minoritised cultural expression have and continue to be captured in image and sound, often from an outsider perspective. I’m interested in how such artefacts are contextualised, assigned value, and what commons tools of reciprocity could allow them to be properly accessible to their originating communities.”