Dr. phil. Valts Ernštreits – Latvia Principal Investigator
Dr. phil. Valts Ernštreits (1974) is the director of the University of Latvia Livonian institute and culture policy advisor to the minister of culture of the Republic of Latvia. For decades he has been involved in revitalization efforts of the Latvia’s indigenous language and one of the most endangered languages in the world – Livonian. Being Livonian himself he has been involved in numerous activities of safeguarding and developing Livonian cultural life and widening the possibilities of the use of Livonian. He has also advocated Livonian heritage and language in state and municipal level and promoting Livonian heritage in educational institutions, general public and Livonian community. Valts Ernštreits’ research interests include the building of digital resources and developing approaches for the research, safeguarding, and providing accessibility to the Livonian language and culture sources, as well as lexicography, language standardization and intangible heritage.